What equipment do I need?

WBA provides all players with a team shirt, socks, belt and hat.

WBA provides each team with a gear bag which includes batting helmets, a few bats and catcher’s gear. 

Each player is responsible for providing their own baseball pants and baseball glove. A protective cup (for boys) is recommended, but not required at the Pinto level unless your child wants to play catcher. An external cup is included in the team gear bag which can be worn over the baseball pants when catching.

Cleats are recommended but not required.

If you decide to get your own helmet it MUST have a mask.

If you decide to purchase a bat please make sure it meets the age specific bat rules (see below).

What are the bat rules?

WBA follows the same rules as dictate by the LSFBL.

  • Must be stamped with either USA BASEBALL or USSSA and BPF of 1.15

  • Diameter of the barrel can be up to 2 and 3/4 inches.

  • Maximum Drop Differential of -12 ounces

  • Maximum Length of 33"

Does the helmet need a face mask?

Yes. WBA wants to create a safe environment and helmets with a face mask are an important part especially at the younger ages.

Younger, less experienced players are less likely to have the skill to avoid being hit by a thrown or batted ball. The face mask is not only essential when batting but also when running bases. It’s easy to be distracted when on base and find a thrown ball unexpectedly heading your way. 

In time your player will find the mask barely hinders their vision and they can play with more confidence knowing their face is protected.

Where can I find my team’s game schedule?

Game schedules will be set shortly after teams are finalized. Team schedule will be available on the WBA website under Schedules. It will also be available through the TeamSideline App. Once the game schedule is finalized it will be loaded to your TeamSideline account and can be accessed through the TeamSideline App. The App will also include the team roster with contact details for team parents and coaches. The App can also be used for team communications and surveying player availability for games and practices. 

How do I sign up to coach?

WBA is a community-based program that relies on volunteer coaches to help make the program a success. You can sign up as a coach through the WBA website.

  1. Sign into your account 

  2. Under “My Account” select “Place Order”

  3. Fill in the form

  4. Proceed to check-out

If you have trouble signing up please do not hesitate to contact us on pinto@wilmettebaseball.org 

I’ve never coached before can I still help?

Absolutely. This is a community-based program run solely by volunteers for us to be truly successful we rely on parents and family members to play an active role. Ideally, we’d like to have a manager and 2-3 assistant coaches for each team. So even if you haven’t coached before ideally you will be paired with someone who has who can share their experience with you. Having multiple coaches on each team allows more attention to be given to skill development.

WBA has worked with IBA to create a coaching manual to help parent coaches in structuring practices which will be distributed at the start of the season. The manual includes tips on how to coach this age groups as well as a variety of drills and games that can be used to for practices. 

Checking with your team manager to see if assistance is needed during the season is encouraged. Managing the dugout during the games is a huge help, freeing up the coaches to focus on the game. 

How are the teams formed?

All players undergo an evaluation. After the evaluations the team managers will meet to conduct a draft. The goal is to create teams which are balanced in terms of ability and experience. 

Why are the grades combined?

The goal is to create a larger league allowing for a greater variety of games to be played, thus exposing players to different game scenarios. 

With a variety of skill levels on each team stronger players will have the opportunity to step into leadership roles while continuing to develop fundamental skills and learning how to back up teammates. Less experienced players will learn from their team mates.

What are the evaluations for?

The evaluations are a way for the coaches to get a general sense of the skills of each player so that balanced teams can be created. Each player will be asked to hit off the tee, throw, field ground balls, and run the bases.

We understand that evaluations can be stressful for players. Please reassure your child that there is no pressure and they should just go out and have fun.

The goal is to use evaluations to ensure a balanced and competitive league so that kids can develop as players while enjoying the spirit of competition. 

Can my child be cut?

No. This is a no-cut league. All registered players will play in every game they attend. The evaluations are merely for team creation to ensure evenly matched teams.

When will we find out which team we’re on and who the coach is?

Shortly after the evaluations the team managers will meet and a draft will be held. As soon as the draft is complete, teams will be finalized and you will be contacted by your coaching team.

Will my child know other kids on the team?

WBA Spring House league generally consists of neighborhood children. The draft creates an opportunity to meet families from outside your immediate school district. Past experience has shown that most kids know at least a couple of other kids on the team but more importantly we have found that the team setting provides a great environment for growth and friendships form quickly. What we’ve also seen is that kids really enjoy playing against their friends resulting in some fun rivalries and spirited games.

I’ve recruited enough kids for a full team – can we sign up as a team?

No. We are not accepting registration of entire teams. To ensure balanced teams we are requiring all players to participate in the evaluation and draft process. 

Our experience has shown that teams created independently can often lead to “super teams” being created which results in uneven competition. This will often lead to shorter games as the slaughter rule is triggered and not a lot of fun for either team. Our goal is to have balanced teams playing longer more challenging games. Creating more opportunities to learn and develop as players and have fun.