Sponsorship Packages
Wilmette Baseball Association is partially supported by local business sponsors. These business sponsors help foster our community-based, volunteer-run baseball league, which provides opportunity for our youth to participate in a sport, learn about team play, and make lifelong friends.
Our flagship program, Wilmette Baseball Association Spring House League hosts dozens of teams and hundreds of families including all Wilmette Travel players. Multiple levels of sponsorship offered with limited availability. Prior year sponsors are given right of first refusal:
PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP - NEW OPPORTUNITY!, ONE slot available for Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, Pony league (4 total)
$2,500 Sponsorship Package
Priority sponsorship of one Wilmette Baseball Association Spring House League team
Your business name on the jerseys of one WBA team
Your business name featured on the WBA All Star jerseys, TOP LISTING above all other sponsors
Your business name featured on the WBA All Star brochure TOP LISTING above all other sponsors
TOP LISTING in Social media posts announcing all sponsors, featuring your business name
TOP LISTING in an email to our 700+ families announcing all sponsors, featuring your business name
Your logo featured as PLATINUM SPONSOR on our Sponsor page at Wilmettebaseball.org, with a link to your business
Individual DOUBLE banner, designed by the sponsor, on the fence at historic Roemer Park
Framed team photo with placard suitable for hanging in your business, indicating PLATINUM Sponsor Level
GOLD SPONSORSHIP - available for Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, Pony teams
$1500 Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship of one Wilmette Baseball Association Spring House League team
Your business name on the jerseys of one WBA team
Your business name featured on the WBA All Star jerseys, along with all other sponsors
Your business name featured on the WBA All Star brochure, along with all other sponsors
Social media posts announcing all sponsors, featuring your business name
An email to our 700+ families announcing all sponsors, featuring your business name
Your logo featured on our Sponsor page at Wilmettebaseball.org, with a link to your business
Individual banner, designed by the sponsor, on the fence at historic Roemer Park
Framed team photo with placard suitable for hanging in your business, indicating Gold Sponsor Level
PREMIUM LEAGUE SPONSORSHIP - available for Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, Pony teams
$750 Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship of one Wilmette Baseball Association Spring House League team
Your business name on the jerseys of one WBA team
Your business name on the WBA All Star jerseys, along with all other sponsors
Your business name on the WBA All Star brochure, along with all other sponsors
Social media posts announcing all sponsors
An email to our 700+ families announcing all sponsors
Your logo on our Sponsor page at Wilmettebaseball.org, with a link to your business
Framed team photo with placard suitable for hanging in your business
Contributing Sponsorship – support Wilmette Baseball Association
Your business name on the WBA All Star brochure, along with all other sponsors
Social media posts announcing all sponsors
An email to our 700+ families announcing all sponsors
Your logo on our Sponsor page at Wilmettebaseball.org, with a link to your business
ENTIRE LEAGUE SPONSORSHIP (NEW!) 1 sponsoring company for each league – Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, Pony (4 total slots)
$2,000 Sponsorship Package
EXCLUSIVE Sponsorship of one Wilmette Baseball Association SUMMER House League – choose Pinto, Mustang, Bronco or Pony
Your business name on the jersey sleeve of ALL Summer House WBA teams in your chosen league
Social media posts announcing our four SUMMER league sponsors
An email to our 700+ families announcing all SUMMER league sponsors
Your logo on our Sponsor page at Wilmettebaseball.org, with a link to your business
Framed placard suitable for hanging in your business
ENTIRE FALL HOUSE LEAGUE SPONSORSHIP (NEW!) Available to 1 sponsoring company for each league – Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, Pony (4 total slots)
$2,000 Sponsorship Package
EXCLUSIVE Sponsorship of one Wilmette Baseball Association FALL House League – choose Pinto, Mustang, Bronco or Pony
Your business name on the jersey sleeve of ALL Fall House WBA teams in your chosen league
Social media posts announcing our four Fall House league sponsors
An email to our 700+ families announcing all Fall House league sponsors
Your logo on our Sponsor page at Wilmettebaseball.org, with a link to your business
Framed placard suitable for hanging in your business